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APALA Constitution & Bylaws 2019-2020 Proposed Amendments

A special vote will be going out the week of September 21st and will be open for 2 weeks to determine whether the APALA membership accepts the proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws.

1. Proposed amendment as to the structure of standing committees in Article IV. Committees. This proposal is being made in order to bring the Constitution & Bylaws in line with current practice.

Current wording:
SECTION 1. The following shall constitute Standing Committees of the organization:
a. Constitution and Bylaws
b. Family Literacy Focus
c. Finance and Fundraising
d. Literary Awards
e. Membership
f. Mentoring
g. Newsletter and Publications
h. Nominations
i. Program Planning
j. Publicity
k. Scholarships and Awards
l. Web

Proposed amendment:
SECTION 1. The following shall constitute Standing Committees of the organization:
a. Constitution and Bylaws
b. Family Literacy Focus
c. Finance and Fundraising
d. Literary Awards
e. Media and Publicity
f. Membership
g. Mentoring
h. Nominations
i. Program Planning
j. Scholarships and Awards

2. Proposed amendment in Section 4 of Article IV. Committees. This proposal is being made in order to bring the Constitution & Bylaws in line with current practice.

Current wording:
SECTION 4. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning the annual conference program. The Finance Committee shall review all financial matters and the Awards Committee shall handle the selection of the “Awardee of the Year.”

Proposed amendment:
SECTION 4. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning the annual conference program. The Finance Committee shall review all financial matters.

3. Proposed amendment in Section 3 of Article VI. Elections and Recall of Officers. This proposal is being made in order to bring the Constitution & Bylaws in line with current practice.

Current wording:
SECTION 3. Proceedings for recall of the President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer or member-at-large of the Executive Board may be originated by a petition of twenty (20) percent of the membership or at least 20 members of APALA and a special meeting called to hear arguments of the parties concerned. A summary transcript of the entire proceedings shall be sent to every member together with a secret ballot. Recall shall take place if two-thirds (2/3) of the current paid membership approve by mail vote.

Proposed amendment:
SECTION 3. Proceedings for recall of the President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer or member-at-large of the Executive Board may be originated by a petition of twenty (20) percent of the membership and a special meeting called to hear arguments of the parties concerned. A summary transcript of the entire proceedings shall be sent to every member together with a secret ballot. Recall shall take place if two-thirds (2/3) of the current paid membership approve by mail vote.

4. Proposed amendment in Section 1 of Article VII. Name of Sponsorship. This proposal is being made in order to bring the Constitution & Bylaws in line with current practice.

Current wording:
SECTION 1. All project plans or proposals must be submitted to the Publicity and Program Committee for review and recommendation. Final approval of the Executive Board is required before any action and/or implementation is taken with the APALA name used for endorsement.

Proposed amendment:
SECTION 1. All project plans or proposals must be submitted to the Program Planning Committee for review and recommendation. Final approval of the Executive Board is required before any action and/or implementation is taken with the APALA name used for endorsement.