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Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen and Paul Lai presented on a panel titled “Asian Diasporic Childhoods: Toys, Literatures, and Literary Spaces” at the 2019 Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS).

Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen has been appointed chair of the 2020 Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) National Institute task force.

Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen is organizing a children’s literature panel and young adult literature panel for the Asian American Literature Festival in Washington D.C.

Ven Basco is the recipient of the 2019 University of Central Florida (UCF) Excellence in Librarianship Award.

The Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) Executive Board is excited to announce Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada as its next Executive Director.

The APALA Executive Board would like to express its gratitude to Buenaventura “Ven” Basco, for his continued service to the organization.

Lisa Zhu will be graduated from University of British Columbia (UBC)’s MLIS program this May.

Bean Yogi is an Indigenous (Uchinanchu) public library worker, and an incoming SJSU MLIS student for Fall 2019.

Congratulations to our grant and scholarship recipients!