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Michelle Lee

Your name, current work place and position (for students, please tell us what school you’re attending and if you have chosen a specialization):

Michelle Lee, Young Adult Librarian, New York Public Library

Where did you attend school for your MLIS degree?

Pratt Institute

How long have you been an APALA member? Why did you first join? Are you currently involved as an officer/committee member/other volunteer?

I first joined APALA in 2013 while I was in graduate school because I was looking for a sense of community within the library world and I am passionate about diversity and Asian-American issues.

I am fortunate to be the incoming APALA Member-At-Large and the 2019 APALA participant in the American Library Association’s Emerging Leaders program. Previously, I volunteered for the APALA Media and Publicity and Family Literacy Focus/Talk Story Committees.

What aspects of librarianship are key to your personal satisfaction at work? Please share some of your professional goals and interests.

The part of my job that I enjoy the most is helping patrons with their informational needs and coming up with fun programs that help children and teens learn something new or useful programs that address a need, be it a teen resume writing workshop, an Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary talk, or a handbag/briefcase/tie lending library for job hunters. I also enjoy offering book recommendations and blogging about diverse books for children and teens when I get a chance.