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Dear APALA Members,

In the past few months, we have had many moments to be thankful for, to celebrate, and to reflect on. APALA, as an organization, made a tremendous impact in our profession and our communities. We advocated for ourselves, our fellow members, and our colleagues across organizations. Although we have made an impact throughout our networks, both professionally and personally, there are still many areas that we need to address and change for the better.

We gathered at the 2019 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, Washington, and engaged virtually through our first online APALA membership meeting. These events provided opportunities to get to know new members, catch-up with friends, and celebrate our accomplishments and our colleagues. APALA, as an organization, has steadily increased its membership and its financial stability. We have increased our reach and impact across our profession. In addition, for the first time, our literature awards were part of ALA’s Youth Media Awards (YMA) announcement in January. These are just some of the many accomplishments that made APALA the way it is today.

We also faced challenges that strengthened our communities. Harassment and discrimination experienced by our black and POC peers and colleagues, not only at ALA Midwinter but also elsewhere in our profession, “illustrates that is much work to do to address systemic discrimination, bias, power, and white privilege” (please see APALA Statement Against Racism and Harassment). These challenges are opportunities for us to make our voices louder and are our actions stronger throughout our profession.

I would like to thank and celebrate your continued work on behalf of our communities. Our organization’s strength is because of your passion and dedication to make a difference in and out of librarianship.


Again, thank you!



Paolo P. Gujilde